Sunday night during dinner the Cromwell student president gave a little welcome back speech and then she called all of us "freshers" (which was just us Americans and a few other Australians new to the college) up to receive our "fresher" names. Thus Maia became Jeeves, Megan became Shazza, Taylor became Fuster, and I became Cluck. I haven't heard the origin of the girls names but apparently the exec board decided it would be funny to have a play off the phrase "cluster fuck", so Taylor and I became the lucky two. Like I said before, ridiculous! This was the start to what they call CroWeek, which is basically a Sunday to Sunday week of ridiculous nights out with transportation arranged by the college.
Sunday night was called Chalk night where we all went out to dance at a place called the Chalk Hotel, which had some beautiful drink specials :) Alcohol is still absurdly expensive but the Chalk had some of the cheapest drink I've seen yet aside from "goon" aka box wine. Everything else has had ridiculous taxes put on them over the years by the Aussie govt in their efforts to reduce underage binge drinking. True to teen spirit, the Aussie teens and college students have just moved from one drink of choice to another leaving them with "goon" as the only remaining cheap alcohol.
How are your classes?